Homeopathic Medicines for Underactive Thyroid - A Time-tested option for Hypothyroidism Treatment

Thyroid glands are vital in human growth and metabolism. They secrete two hormones - Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). When the thyroids cannot produce adequate amounts of these two hormones, the condition is called hypothyroidism or an under-active thyroid. Homeopathic medicines for Underactive Thyroid help treat the problem and its symptoms effectively. Unlike conventional medicines, Homeopathic medicines for underachieve thyroid dont pose a threat of severe side effects on the persons health.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism/Underactive Thyroid

The symptoms of an underactive thyroid may vary from person to person, based on the severity of the condition. The following are some of the most common symptoms of an Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

            Puffy face

            Always feeling tired

            Heightened sensitivity to cold

            Hoarseness in voice

            Weight gain


            Dry skin

            Enlargement of the thyroid gland also called 'goiter'

            Weakening of muscles/lack of muscular strength

            High cholesterol level in the blood

            Muscle stiffness and pain aches, often tenderness is present in the muscles

            Swollen and stiff joints with pain

            Heavy menstrual in women during the periods

            Thinning of hair

            Bradycardia (Slower heart rate)


            Memory impairment

What are the causes of Underactive Thyroid?

For the best treatment using effective Homeopathic Medicines for Underactive thyroid, it is important to first understand the causes:

Hashimotos thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease causing the immune system to make antibodies against the thyroid cells, eventually destroying them.

Sometimes a prolonged treatment for Hyperthyroidism may cause a state of hypothyroidism.

Surgical removal of a part of the thyroid gland may also reduce its capacity to produce enough thyroid hormones.

Radiation therapy used to kill cancer cells may also adversely affect the thyroid glands, destroying some part of the healthy thyroid cells, ultimately causing hypothyroidism.

Some types of medicines, like lithium (used to treat psychiatric problems), may cause hypothyroidism. 

A congenital disease (present in a person at the time of birth), pituitary disorder, iodine deficiency, pregnancy, obesity, age, etc., are some of the common triggering factors for the onset of hypothyroidism. Homeopathic Medicines for Underactive Thyroid can offer effective treatment with lasting benefits. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Underactive Thyroid

Homeopathic medicines for Underactive Thyroid treatment are one of the best options and are recommended by healthcare experts worldwide. Homeopathic medicines can treat an underachieve thyroid and help restore the normal thyroid function, thus adequate production and secretion of the thyroid hormones.

Homeopathic medicines are natural and hence do not interfere or adversely affect other body systems and functions. At Excel Pharma, we are providing many effective Homeopathic medicines for Underactive thyroid treatment, which you can order online from the comfort of your home/office. You can also schedule an appointment with our expert Homeopathic Consultants by calling at (+91) 92162-15214.


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