Where to Get the Best Homeopathic Medicine for Blood Sugar Problem?

Introduction Diabetes mellitus or simply ‘diabetes’ is a metabolic disorder with increased blood glucose levels over longer periods. The glucose level in the blood is checked by a hormone called insulin, which is produced and secreted by pancreatic beta cells, also called the ‘islets of Langerhans’. Diabetic medicine in Homeopathy is effective in treating the problem effectively. Type 1 Diabetes The destruction of beta cells and/or their inability to produce enough insulin is the reason for diabetes. It is called Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or IDDM. Autoimmunity is the obvious reason for the cells' destruction, but the reason for the autoimmunity is unknown. Anti diabetic medicine in Homeopathy can be taken for better control of sugar levels in the blood in case of Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes is also called insulin-resistant or Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). It is the most common type of diabetes and affects millions of pe...