
Showing posts with the label Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsillitis

Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is the swelling of the two oval-shaped lymphoid organs, one on each side of the neck called tonsils. Tonsillitis majorly occurs from viral infections but can also be caused by bacterial infections. In either case, Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsill itis   are available for an effective treatment. Children in the age group of 5 to 15 years are at a greater risk of Tonsillitis. They contract infections from germs in classrooms, playgrounds, etc. When do Doctors recommend Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsill itis ? You should consult a doctor if your child shows one or more of the following symptoms: •              Difficulty in breathing •              Stomach ache •              Muffled voice •              Pain or stiffness in the neck •              Drooling  •              Fever •              Sore throat •              Swollen, red tonsils, or yellow or white patches on the tonsils •              Headache •              Enlarged and tender lymph nod