Cholesterol Problems Vs. Homeopathic Medicine For High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular (health and blood vessel-related) diseases. It’s found in all the body cells. Though some cholesterol is necessary for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and other vital functions, an excess of it (hypercholesterolemia) can lead to a number of diseases, affecting the heart and the blood vessels. There are effective Homeopathic Medicines for High Cholesterol that you can take to get rid of this problem and lead a healthy life. What are the Effects of High Cholesterol in the Body? Does Homeopathic Medicine For High Cholesterol Work? High cholesterol can affect the body in different ways. In one way or the other, high blood cholesterol levels give rise to cardiac & other diseases. Coronary Artery/Heart Disease (CAD/CHD) - Coronary artery disease is caused by increased blood cholesterol, which blocks the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscles. Due to reduced blood supply, the heart muscles do not get adeq...