Get The Best Homeopathic Medicine For High Blood Pressure in India

What is Hypertension? Hypertension or high blood pressure is when the patient has constantly elevated blood pressure. Blood pressure is defined as the peripheral resistance caused by the blood vessels to the flow of the blood. Today, you can get effective and some of the Best Homeopathic Medicines For High Blood Pressure online. The blood pressure is measured in units of mmHg of your systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Systolic Blood Pressure is the pressure recorded during the contraction of the heart, while diastolic blood pressure is recorded as the blood pressure when the heart relaxes to receive blood from the body. Understanding The Stages of Hypertension The stages of Hypertension can be understood as follows: Normal Blood Pressure - Up to 120/800 mmHg Elevated Blood Pressure - > 120/80 mmHg -129/80 mmHg Stage 1 Hypertension - 130/80 mmHg - 139/89 mmHg Stage 2 Hypertension - >140/90 mmHg Hypertensive Crisis - Beyond 180/120 mmHg, it’s called hypertensive crisis. ...